2007年4月8日 星期日

Love yourself

People always need someone understand his talent, favor and need. That’s why people make friends with others. They want to stay in group that agree with him. But that’s not enough. As staying in group, people will think: Does anyone just fit me? One who belongs to me? Therefore, people usually spend his whole life finding his Mrs. Right. But not every story has a happy ending.

Human beings have been lonely since they were born. Everyone is a perfect individual. No one really belongs to others. As they grow, thought is changing. You can’t focus one’s thought, but you can love yourself.

2007年4月1日 星期日

Summary of On The Line

The supervisor got an emergence call, a girl has swallowed some pills. She called City hospital and the police to request sending an ambulance. They rejected her the same reason: ”They can help unless the people call them theirselves.” The supervisor has been frustrated by public companies, so she made phone calls to three of Mrs. Washington’s neighbors. Finally, One of neighbors went to Mrs. Washington’s house and checked. They found out there’s no body at home, and the door was unlocked. It’s glad to hear that no girl was becoming unconscious, but now Mrs. Washington has got another trouble.

This story is tricky. There’s no directly ending at last. I am gratified by the happy ending. But we must face this situation seriously: “ Howcome our public organizations could ignore an emergence? Who dare slammed the phone and letting a child die? Someone would reply: “I’m sorry, these are our instructions.” What is this instruction protected? The people who need help or the company? I am being confused.

A Chinese saying says that Great man lead crowd to satisfy, the normal man strict with himself. I don’t think I could be the great man, all I can do is do my best to help people. If everyone did, this world might become more kind and warm.

2007年3月26日 星期一

Summary of “Piggy books”

Who cook for you? Who wash your clothes? Who mop the floor? I bet you might answer:” My mom does it, Of course.” Our mothers do all the house works for us. Somehow, we used to it. We take it for grand. After class, children hind in their bedroom, our father watched TV. No one think of Mom still working in the kitchen, washing dishes. Have you ever thought that one day, Mom disappeared. Does it make sense to your family?

The book ”Piggy books” described a small family. One day, the hostess disappeared. At the beginning, they think it’s easy to do the housework themselves. Soon they figured out they can do nothing. They are as stupid as a pig. Finally, Mother came back. After this situation, all of the families do the housework together.

Summary of Changing roles

According to Neil Walkingshaw’s experience, we could find out that parental rules have been changed. The convention wisdom was that a woman’s place was in the home and a man’s duty to his family was to put food on the table. After 1980s, however, greater numbers of workingwomen meant that men were no longer the unique breadwinner.

The public changed their view of the role men play in childcare. Besides, social scientists have found evidence to support that a father plays a role in child development that is quite different from that of the mother. Researchers have also figure out that the father in home can contribute the lower rates of juvenile crime. Some groups blamed this supports. They pointed out the absence of a father in family is the biggest social problem in modern society.

In short, if this theory is true, it’s possible to imagine a day all men will learn how to take care of their child.

2007年3月18日 星期日

He is a friend of mine

Bob Dylan wrote the song “He is a Friend of Mine” in 1980s. The first time I’ve heard this song is from the soundtrack of the film “Brokeback Mountain”. This song was preformed by Willie Nelson. In the film, the couple had their temporary separation in Brokeback Mountain; which they consider it their most fantastic times in live. With Willie Nelson’s deeply voice as the background music, which made the audience predicted the tragedy that was going to happen to the couple. His voice and the lyrics made my heart weep.

This song reminds me of a friend who died because of heart attack. He never harmed anyone. His birth was meant to be his death. He was born with birth defect of the hart conditioning. Every time I listen to the “he is a friend of mine”, I can’t stop crying. I can’t stop thinking the friend of mine.

Everyone might have some sadness across their lifespan, yet, this sadness come along with impressive memories. The successful catch of this song is the words, which the writer has used. Dylan didn’t explain the situation in the lyrics clearly. However, his piece allowed the audiences use their own imagination to associate the story together themselves. Therefore, this is why I love this song most.

2007年3月11日 星期日


I’m Jane, age 19.I am a creative, optimistic girl. There are 4 people in my family. I have a younger brother, he’s in the first year of senior high. My father is a doctor, he works in his own clinic everyday. My mom’s work is taking care of every members in my family.

I have great interest in Japanese animations; it also is the reason why I studied in Japanese. I have talents for painting and music, too. I could play more than 3 kinds of instruments. However, now I join to Karate club in university.

Last summer vacation I've been to British and Western Europe one month. In London, I had a 3 weeks study course in EF language school. I was impressed by this venerability but fashion capital. I must be confess that three weeks of class couldn't make great effect on improving English. Still I learn a lot by visiting countless of museums, galleries and operas. Even you walked on the street, every store, every building could tell you the history about a century ago. How a fantastic city!

Learning languages isn't equal to be an English teacher. It’s difficult to be an English teacher in Taiwan today. My goal is to prove my foreign language ability in university, then study aboard to study professional subject. I would try my best to reach my goal, and I hope this dream will come true soon.