2007年4月8日 星期日

Love yourself

People always need someone understand his talent, favor and need. That’s why people make friends with others. They want to stay in group that agree with him. But that’s not enough. As staying in group, people will think: Does anyone just fit me? One who belongs to me? Therefore, people usually spend his whole life finding his Mrs. Right. But not every story has a happy ending.

Human beings have been lonely since they were born. Everyone is a perfect individual. No one really belongs to others. As they grow, thought is changing. You can’t focus one’s thought, but you can love yourself.

5 則留言:

匿名 提到...

do men and women come together just for the sake of sex? don't agree with me? try to define marriage first.
do you agree that some of the men marry some women just for their kin status sickening? what am i doing here. am i questioning the world with gender? while there's no definate anwser out there at all. lets all turn ourselves into narcissists.

Lynn 提到...

Dear Ten,

I really enjoy the book, “The Missing Piece Meets the Big O.” The story with simple pictures teaches me a lot.

People can establish others’ abilities, but also have capabilities of doing something outstanding. When a person is alone in his life, he can tell himself that he can realize his dream by himself. The missing piece wanted to make it attractive before, but it is useless. And then, it thought about how to change itself. In the end of the story, we can see that its life turned to be full of vigor and happiness.

Everyone has his talents, and you do, too. You are the master of your life, and you can make your life optimistic and colorful.

Best wishes,

匿名 提到...

You're right,no one will love you if you don't love yourself first.Try to find out your own talents and have more confidence on yourself.By doing this,you'll love yourself more and so do others.

Ten 提到...

First, thanks for your comment. Those of you almost everytime give me a comment.Thank you guys.

Lately, I am not sure what "promise" means. I don't mean explain the word. But I don't know why people make a promise easily, and break it easily.Should I just laugh and let it be?Or request people to keep her promise?

In fact, I,m confused.

miaka77543 提到...

Dear Jane,

Reading over your article, I think that you ready realize the meaning of author in the book of “The Missing Piece meets the big O”.

Your viewpoints are very good and win support among the people, but you can try to write it more. For example, you can write some cases that something about how to “Love yourself”. Beside you can take cases to compare all of your viewpoints even your feeling!!

I hope my advices would be helpful. I’m improving my English writing right now, and I can learn many things form you. Go ahead, you did a good job.

Yours cordially,